Time to play dress up.

In three stages, we’ll build a functional wardrobe off of your existing pieces without compromising personality and color. Capsule doesn’t have to mean boring. Maximalist doesn’t have to mean expensive. We’ll work together to style your existing pieces, then capture your personal style in a lookbook you can reference to help you shop for new items, edit existing items, and help you define your personal style.

  • 1. Nice to meet you.

    We’ll start with a 30-minute consultation to help me understand your lifestyle, budget, shopping habits, and style goals - all to best bring out your personal style. This initial consultation can be done in-person or virtually.

  • 2. Keep. Sell. Tailor.

    Together, we will go through your closet to pick out pieces to keep, sell/donate, or tailor. You’ll be surprised to learn how tailoring can transform a piece you never wore due to a fit you didn't like. I’ll teach you how to style existing pieces in new ways and assemble a foundational wardrobe to continually build upon.

  • 3. Styling.

    We will review your personal style against a personalized lookbook. Your lookbook will include styling tips from our time working together, along with suggested pieces to add to your now decluttered wardrobe.

Get in.

We’re going shopping.

As a client of mine, the goal is always to teach you how to shop for and style yourself. But if you’d like a helping hand, I offer a personal shopping add-on service at the end of our time together, where I can help fill in your wardrobe gaps, shop for various events you may have, or source one-of-a-kind vintage pieces that you are hoping to secure. Whether you want to shop old or new, rent versus own, we’ll discuss what best fits your personal styling journey, and then I'll get to work!

If you’re interested in Personal Shopping, please mention it in our consultation.

“We keep dresses we’ll never wear again, but we throw away our ex-boyfriends”